2011年11月28日 星期一

Paintings and photographs 古 早 的 相 片

There are similarities between painting and photography , although , different aesthetics  philosophy dominant each art  but the problems of preserving in good conditions is a commonly interest to both. How to confront the damage of moth-eating , moisture , sun  burning , careless scratching , eroding & weathering are lessons to be learnt. It is difficult to input origin films . Replica picture from my family album are substitute in  this blog . Hoping these amiable images of our relatives and friends will last a vivid recall to the memory as an lasting  social record. We , firstly  live at downtown Taipei, in 1947, and move to Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 3 /Lane 244. in the next year . It was a Japanese style , one store row house . Two units share one roof of gray ceramic tile . It was said "the former owner is a  family of Japanese railway engineer , in the occupation era". The Chinese Government recovered Taiwan in 1945 , the house became a national property , and sold to South City Corporation.  . We are the second family to rent the house after the original occupants  move out to somewhere else . The house got rotten and trembled down , so to be sold for rebuilt to a constructing contractor . we move to Keelung Rd. Sec 2 in 1963. Begins three decades collective residence life in a seven-story concrete apartment. Every four units share one elevator to access to their homes. The Wang's still sustained this property to keep their memory to the fore father; Mr.  James C. Wang(王兆嵋) was graduated from The Shanghai Communication University, civil engineering department in 1932,had attended professor Jaw's (趙華蓋) lecture on architecture in the college. He entered the railway bureau , and built railways in Hunan province (湖南) and Anhwei province(安徽) till the Seno-Jappan war burst out in 1937, he joined a truck caravan, conveying living goods from Burma(緬甸) to Yum-Nan (雲南) before Japanese had invaded into Burma . The World War II ended in 1945. He began to practice architect in Shanghai (上海) . In 1949 He flew to Taiwan on business and stayed in Taipei after the Red Chinese Army had sized the China mainland. Then he re-opened a office at Taipei(台北),and had been joined by Mr. Sebastian Chang(張俊), Mr. Chang Yeong Kang(張永康) and Mr. Kuo herng(郭恆). They acquired building assignments from authorities to design and construct The Telephone & Telegram building, Class Rooms of Oceanology College, Livestock detention Barracks at Keelung(基隆), Microwave Station, Highway Bus Station at Yang Ming mountain(陽明山), Library of Agriculture College at Taichun(台中), Laboratories , cool preservation of NTU, Telephone Exchange Building at Taipei(台北) . He closed his office in 1959, entered the Military Engineering Bureau. In Jun 1976, he was hired by the American M. Parsons Co. and worked at the Saigon(西貢) Branch Office of the company as an estimator till the end of America-Viet Nan war in 1979. Returned from Viet Nan, he was entitled as a senior specialist of C.E.C.G began to join important projects of The Central government. James left his position in 1983 and took part in the design of supper hight way at Dutch Ceasar Co. and built bridges for a civilian company in Shin Jwu (新竹)county. He passed away at Chung San(中山) Hospital in Nov 22,1994 . the November of 2011 would be his 100th anniversary.g & Lilly Si-Lan Wang//王兆嵋十歲喪父,十三歲喪母,與弟兆雲,妺委良依族叔伯生活,先入浙江溫州第十師範祔小及第十中學初中部,1926年王書林叔帶往上海,考入浦東中學高中部,1928年考入交通大學土木科,1932年畢業,進入交通部南京下關長江輪渡工程處,在科長鄭華領導下,設計南,北津浦鉄路之輪渡軟連結.完工後,自1933至1941年,任京赣鐵路工程師,駐江西宣城,河瀝溪,1937年與黃似蘭结婚,育有二男,二女.1942年調敘昆鉄路(自四川宣府即宜賓至昆明),同年離開鉄路,自行經商,由缅甸進口物資,經滇缅公路運至昆明,1945年二戰结束,率全家六口返囘南京,轉業建築師(甲26及47號执照),宝號啟成,1949年遷台,1963年入國防部軍工局設計組,1965往越南入美國PARSONS公司,担任估価工程師,1968年任行政院經合會高级專員,,1972中華顧問工程公司,1973至1994同源及福深工程公司.1994年因腦部智蛛網部位血管破裂造成腦栓塞逝於私立財團法人台北中山醫院.// 王鳴卿字家駒,清同治(約1850)年間生於浙江溫州任橋,為一遗腹子,娶妻三房.大房吳塵客育子書城(祖父)後亡,二房嚴氏,生一女,母女皆亡,三娶沈氏(1886-1966),生書林(1902-1983),書绅,書之(1911-1995),九如,素貞及聰等八男二女.1874年,光绪時捐班,任古田縣(閩中)知縣,1908年宣统時丁憂返里居殤两載.期滿轉任福清(閩東)至幸亥民國成立(1911).去官回鄉,受軍政府徐伯侯(前清大校長徐賢修祖父也)延任於軍政府財政科,民國三年(1914)轉任中國銀行溫州分行经理.後应黃群之邀往杭州,復至讧西景德鎮任稅務局局座,退休後返冋温州與鄉賢共事公益事業及终. // 王書麟清華庚子賠款公費留美,1926年得到哥倫比亜大學教育學位,回國次年任绍興五中校長,1930年任南京中央大學教授,總務長,柏溪分校主任,抗戰時重慶大學總務長.1949年香港新亞,珠海,祟基學院教書,1967年珠海文學院院長,東吳大學客座敎授,1971年定居壇香山.///台灣省建築師公會 成立於台灣光復之初 會員(以照片為準)約為 關頌聲 林樹民 李松浦 羅阿章 葉樹源 張昌華 林伯年 賀陳詞 楊伯烈 陽卓成 修澤蘭 黃保諭 傅寬城 吳爾烈 虞曰鎮 張德霖 鄭定邦 趙國華 王濟昌 王大閎 吳梅心 曾觀濤 胡兆輝 陳 櫂 李寶鐸 朱尊誼 沈學優 沈爾朋 璩書閣 盧毓駿 張俊 陳其寬 王兆嵋 香 宏 汪振煙 鄭定邦 張紹載 柯傅 呂壽 坤 林慶豐 蘇金鐸 金長 銘 ,賀陳詞,陳萬榮,壬秀蓮,謝永谿等